The Intelligent Way to Read and Listen

Save time with Sead by listening to your articles instead of reading them, making it easier to multitask and reduce screen-time.
Our lifelike audio narration helps you understand complex ideas more deeply.

Save Reading Time

Speed up your reading with Sead AI.

Deepen Understanding

Clear audio makes complex ideas easier to grasp.

Multitask Efficiently

Listen to articles while you handle other tasks.

Smart Reading with the Power of AI

Collect everything
Sead lets you store articles, blogs, and videos in one place.
Reading with AI
Sead AI summarizes key points from your saved content.
Article to Podcast
Personal podcasts make it perfect for busy lifestyles.
Translate into Any Language
Automatically translates articles into your preferred language.
Sync Pocket and Instapaper
Seamlessly sync Pocket and Instapaper to manage your reading.
Friendly Reading View
Enjoy a streamlined reading view for improved focus.